Saturday, July 30, 2011

Pearl in the closet

Not much else to say. I was so glad she didn't fall asleep there!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Swim Championships

This summer swim season eneded successfully for some. Abigial seemed to sweep the 8 and unders, despite all her whining?!

Lilly and Andrew also had fun but joined the next age group up so they were the little fish this year!
Abigail will be in that boat next summer when she swims with the 9-10 year olds...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Andrew's Birthday

Andrew turns 12! Wow where did time go? He was so excited about his weather watch that grandma and grandpa got him. And his rain suit, it even rained so he could use them.

Monday, July 18, 2011

First day of School

They are growing up so fast!

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Pearls bath.

YouTube Video

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Lost tooth

Foster lost his first tooth a couple weeks ago

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Dress up

One Sunday afternoon the kids decided to be cowboys.

The girls

The boys

Pearls idea of dress up

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Can anyone say laminate?

We finally did it. Costco had their laminate on sale and we bought the whole lot.

This is the car loaded down and pack to capacity.

The room cleared and almost ready.


Thanks to grandma and grandpa Nelson and Jeremy and Aric for helping. Otherwise we would still be laying!
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Swim meets

This year didn't have quite as many swim meets as others but we sure had a good time!

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