Monday, March 29, 2010

Dads are so helpful after chuch!

We (me) are so excited to have Ryan home in the morning before Church and in the afternoon after church. He was released from his calling as ward financial clerk and now only teaches Gospel doctrine. I on the other hand have been released from my primary position as pianist and called to be the second counselor in young womens. Which has taken me away from home many times just this first week! Any way back to my story. With all this new found help my life is so much easier, well maybe. As I look around today at the aftermath of Sundays with a daddy home and a mommy gone I might change my on second thought, I'll take every bit of it.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Patricia's and Riley's Senior Pictures

I took these pictures yesterday at my house and the park really quick.

My sisters are so pretty.

I am still just learning but love doing it!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Kids can fall asleep anywhere?

This is what I found after I put her down to do some work on the computer.

Captured Moments

My professional photographer took these masterpieces with his phone and they are sweet moments in time.
"The Tongue"

"Brothers can be helpful"

"No really they can"

"Love aboundeth at FHE"

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Snow Day

Oh sorry the caps lock was on lets try again
We Finally made it to Mt. Lemmon!

Pearl wasn't so keen on the idea...
she deployed her "I'll go to sleep and this nightmare will be over when I wake up" mechanism.
Foster was like a penguin and we had to keep catching him. He would just hop on any thing any where and Ryan had to dive a few times to stop him from doom.
Snowman watched all

Ryan's Birthday

Well the kids wanted Hawaiian party so they decorated and we surprised him with a party.

I attempted my first cheese cake and it turned out soooooo yummy and wasn't as hard as I thought it was!

I gave him a watch so we could set it to ring when it was time to come home from work!