Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hello Clean Sink

Oh clean sink oh how I've missed you. Our time together is so precious and so fleeting!

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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Is School Almost Over

This year has been an exciting and challenging one. The question I hear most is "Is school almost over?"

And the answer: YES!

Me and my little study buddy.

We've had our ups and definitely our downs but in the end we still like each other.
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The Cutest Thing I Ever Heard

Occasionally I leave the baby monitor on and forget to turn it off. One night after Ryan and I had sent the kids to bed, we were talking and we thought we heard singing. We turned up the monitor and heard this.

Theses are those precious moment that make it all worth it.

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Girls Book Club and twirly skirts

We hosted the book club this month. The book was Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farms. we made soap, cookies, read poetry and sewed twirly skirts. It was lots of "girl" fun.

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Washington D.C.

Here a just a few pictures from the school trip.

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Fun while Daddy and Andrew were in D.C.

We had fun while dad and Andrew were gone.

We had ice cream Sundaes. We went to the park.

We had good days of school

and bad days.

We were silly

and ate popcicles.

Overall it was a good week!
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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Easter 2011

Once again Easter rolls around and we get to reflect on our Savior and His atoning sacrifice on our behalf. He LIVES! He LOVES us! He wants to SAVE us if we will just let Him.

These pictures are courtesy of my sister (in law) Angelina who took some great ones!

Monday, May 2, 2011

I Want a Giveaway!

Kylee my fabulous sister (in-law) makes the cutest things on her blog:

She has a giveaway for a Mommy & Me apron