Sunday, August 29, 2010


Right after we came back from Montana we had swim championships. It was lots of fun and didn't last as long as I remembered. Ryan is such a sweetheart and lets me be a timer while he wrangles with the kids and the heat!

Pear hatches a watermelon

At the cabin Pearls favorite thing to sit on was the two watermelons that we had bought to eat. We were all wondering if she was going to hatch one and what would come out of it.

Foster rides his first horse

He was really brave on that huge horse. We city folk as Ryan calls us are not so sure around those things.

Abigail and Bryan

Horses in Montana

What fun they had riding Uncle Jay and Aunt Cheryl's neighbor's horses.

Even Pearl got to sit on one.

Fishing at Sawtooth

Me and my feeble attempt to fish, but I thought I'd better try since I had just spent the last three hours hiking there!

Montana is such a great place for the kids. Ryan's Aunt and Uncle have a huge house on lots of land. Their neighbor let us ride the horses which was a thrill for Abigail.

More Montana

Another pose on big boulders that were everywhere on our hike. I wasn't sure we would ever get to sawtooth lake at the rate we were going.

We finally made it to the lake with lots of encouragement from Grandpa! Thank you ...

Fisihing in Montana

Here's Andrew fishing in a lake that was still partly covered with ice. Did I mention that this was July?

Our hike with the kids to Sawtooth Lake.

Grandpa, Lilly, Alyssa and Sampson.

Every big rock was a picture opportunity.

Our Four Wheeler Ride

We tried to take some pictures with us on our ride but none of them turned out. Here we are after climbing Comet Ridge.

This cool tree was struck all the way down the trunk by lighting. The picture doesn't do it justice.

Me on a quad and loving it!

Andrew with some of the fish he caught in the many fishing expeditions with his dad.

She wants to drive already

While in Montana which was more like winter than summer we got stuck in a rain storm and had fun in the parking lot while we waited.

Ryan and I took a four wheeler ride up Comet Ridge and had a beautiful view.

More BYU Idaho

We found this porch called "Patsy's Porch" while we were wandering around and thought of one of our favorite aunts.

We also had THE BEST ice cream that I have ever eaten and I have eaten a lot of ice cream. It was a little place called G's Dairy Delights and it was delightful.

Our visit to Sarah and BYU Idaho

On our way to Montana this year we decided to take the drive a little slower and visit Sarah. She gave us a VIP tour of the greenhouse gardens that they have there and of the grounds around BYU Idaho that she takes care of.

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Funny Pictures

We had the Rogers over for game night and Aric had to hold a pose for a full round or take the penalty!

Pearl loves her red rocket.

Look what I can do with a spoon.

Kids can fall asleep anywhere?

Both Ryan and I are busy helping at the swim meets and this is what we found after one of them. Foster had just worn himself out I guess and had no clue that everyone around him was packing up and leaving. He was really tired.

Bring on the Swim Meets

Summer was also busy with lots of swimming and swim meets. Everyone got a great tan, especially Abigail our Indian child.