Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What can happen when you doze.

I have to write a little about this. It is a culmination of several one eyed naps that I have taken on the couch while Foster and I are home. I am amazed and frustrated at what he can accomplish in half an hour. One day I discovered that the child proof doorknob covers were not so childproof anymore and he had gotten into everything in the pantry. One time he found a book of lifesavers. (I'm not sure who they belong one has claimed them as missing yet.) Yes, he ate almost every single roll. I did notice in my in and out of consciousness that I heard him crunching something but couldn't put two and two together until I fully woke up. Another time he decided to lock all the doors. (To my bathroom, kids bathroom, Andrew's bedroom and the girl's bedroom.) I didn't mind that so much as it was a very good excuse that I couldn't clean anything until Ryan got home because all the keys have been lost for the third time since we have lived here. This last time he decided to make up his face with my waterproof mascara, luckily we had already come back from school, so it is still on his face, and probably will be until he takes a bath tonight. I am not safe anymore dozing on the couch!

1 comment:

Atkins Family said...

oh I remember when Tyler got into my makeup, lets just say he had eyeliner everywhere. And no digital camera back then, so only the memory.