Monday, April 6, 2009

Crazy Conference Weekend!

So here's a quick catch-up of what is going on over in nonsense land. I was asked and delighted to teach a yogurt class for a relief society activity. It turned out fantastic and I finally got the hang of making yogurt. The problem now is that I am up to my armpits in the stuff. It is filling every nook and cranny of our fridge and freezer. I think that I counted at least 7 different kinds and that does not include the yogurt cheese, yogurt dip and spreads, and frozen yogurt. So if any one wants some call me!
Right before the class in the rush to get everything out to the car and make sure I was ready to go, Abigail comes running in from the backyard screaming. Foster had thrown a rock shard and it cut her forehead. She was screaming so that I knew something was wrong and stopped what I was doing but then chreshendoed when she saw the blood dripping down her face onto the floor. Luckily we got the bleeding to stop and dad fixed it with some super glue and I left for my class slightly on time.
It is so funny that such a little cut could create that much commotion. Anyways, coming home after my class, Ryan and I chatted about the days events and were both relieved that the excitement had ended and were looking forward to conference. Little did we know it was just warming up. Foster got in our bed that night, like he usually does, and woke me up because he was moaning and groaning. I poked Ryan to let him know something was wrong just as Foster started to make heaving sounds. The rest of the night every half hour Ryan was up with Foster running to the toilet, poor guys. My job was to turn the light on when something happened since I didn't sleep after that. Ryan would immediately be asleep the next second after putting Foster back on the sleeping bag that was on the ground at his side of the bed. We hoped that it would just be something that he needed to work out of his system but it continued to come the other direction if you know what I mean. I should have counted how many diapers that I changed that day, but I didn't need to, the garbage smell proved it! The next night was the same story. Every half hour after 1 AM I would be up changing his poor raw bum, then we would go back to sleep until the next attack.
Well Saturday was spent at home with Lilly, Abigail, and Foster (we sent Andrew to the church with my family) watching conference. To give Foster a little relief we decided to let him wear under ware again and these are the ones he picked out, what can I say, he likes color. Sunday he was feeling better so we decided to venture to the church. Conference was great, I didn't want it to end. Everyone is healthy and no one caught what Foster brought home from preschool, I say with my fingers crossed!?


Erin'nJeremy said...

I'm glad Foster got better so we could see you all! I don't have meagans e-mail address to add her to my blog list. Does she have a blog?

Val said...

Oh, my goodness! That doesn't sound fun at all. Poor kid. Only if we lived closer I love homemade yogurt.

TrishAnderson said...

Unfortunately, I am completely empathize with you. We currently have three of our four in the same scenario. This too shall pass. I agree with you about conference, it was so filling!