Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Nelsons are selling......

Yes that's right we are finally taking a step in that direction. We do a lot of waffling back and forth between staying and moving (just ask our Realtors!) Anyway, we are at the moment getting ready to have the house on the market by next Thursday. Hopefully all will go smoothly but we will never know if we never try?! So if anyone out there is looking for a great house at a great price or has any advice as far as selling, let me know.


Joshua said...

Where are you guys going???

TrishAnderson said...

What??? Where will you be heading when you get your house sold (notice I am thinking positive)? I don't have any advice. I know you have realtors, but I always go to my sis-in-law Jen Anderson, the realtor for that info. Good Luck!!!

familywithfivekids said...

Oh I am sad and so are our boys!!! I just read your entry out loud and all three little boys are saying "WHY are they moving, mom?" We hope you stay in the ward - we love you (and of course hope all turns out how you hope)

Kimberly said...

Don't worry we are hopefully moving only two streets over on Daysprings. We will still be in the ward to bug everyone, we'll just have a little more room. (maybe not room for a pony, yet!)