Friday, May 14, 2010

Nine Months Old

Where did the time go? Pearl is now nine months old today. She had her well baby check up and was 90% in height, 96% head, and 75% weight. I got her a shirt the other day that says "Daddy does my hair". She has such wild hair most days that I could put her in that shirt and blame it on Ryan!

She is crawling and climbing all over the place and talking up a storm or more like squealing your ear drums off. Today we were in Target and she squealed loud enough that it echoed!
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Erin'nJeremy said...

She's so cute! I love the first picture!

Cottrells said...

Wow Pearl has more hair than my 2yr old! Lucky her, lucky you;)She's a doll! I've enjoyed reading/catching up on your blog. Your kids are so creative I love it!