Friday, February 27, 2009

Making Cakes

So yesterday was baking day at our house. These pictures were taken before 8 am on Thurday morning. It was a busy day and our house smelled wonderful. Andrew masterpiece took almost all day to bake. We then made the most wonderful buttercream frosting that I have ever tasted. Last Andrew put it together and decorated it for his Blue and Gold Banquet that night. Lilly and Abigail had super time baking in their own oven all by themsleves using the cooking kits that we got them for Christmas. We all had fun but now I need to do dishes!
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Michele said...

Oh what fun! I LOVED my Easy Bake over when I was a little girl. It looks like they all had a great time.

Erin'nJeremy said...

Dishes are the worst part about cooking. Sometimes I avoid cooking just to avoid the dishes. Hehe!