Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Snow...wasn't last week in the 80s?

Well it happened again. Well only for the first time this year but it was still fun. Last week all the kids were running around in shorts and flip flops. We woke up to snow over everything. My friend Julie from Idaho was visitng at the time and was laughing because we were being so crazy about it. (ie closing school for a "snow day" for a dusting of snow) Abigail saved three little snow balls that she insist that we put in the freezer so that she could make a snow man with it later. Her snowman turned out to be about four inches high. I'm not sure if he has a name or is still in the freezer, maybe you could visit him.

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1 comment:

The Cluff's said...

I totally missed the snow! But, I hardly get out these days...go figure. Maybe there will be a next time 2-3 years down the road :)