Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It's A Girl!

So our sonogram was last week and we found out that we are having a little girl. I will get to have another one between 28-32 weeks because of a moderate placenta previa but hopefully that will not be a problem later. We are all excited and the kids are arguing about who's room she will sleep it, I think they don't know what they are getting into!


Smith Moments said...

Wow! Congrats! I can truly imagine the excitement in your house. Good Luck on the pregnancy...
We'll both have 2 boys and 3 girls...yeah! We need to catch up. Perhaps I'll call when I get a chance. :)

The Cluff's said...

So exciting! I love the profile picture. They are the cutest!

TrishAnderson said...

YEAH! What a tie breaker. I hope you continue to do well. I take it you are now telling people (since last time I really got to talk with you it was still very hush hush).

The Wills Family! said...

How neat...girls are the best (boys too)!Hope everything goes well throughout your pregnancy :)