Monday, March 9, 2009

L.A. Dinning

L. A. Dinning stands for (Lilly and Abigail, of course, says Lilly). We moved the play kitchen into the family room where they really will play with it and this is what happened. They have been playing with it everyday. Creating menus and even a drive through. I just need to have them make there food with real food and I'll have it made!

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Megan said...

Oh playing "restaurant"... good ol' times, lol!! I love that kids can pretty much entertain themselves. Hopefully we'll get to see ya this weekend!

Btw, will you ask Erin to invite to her blog? I would love to follow hers. :-D Thanks!

TrishAnderson said...

Fun. Isn't it great how old toys can be recycled. They are forgotten for a bit and then come back better than ever. As they get older their play always seems to become so much more involved.